Insurance Coverage?

If you have Out-of-Network Benefit, it is possible they may cover your visits at our clinic. However, each insurance plan is different. 
Active Release Techniques® Soft Tissue Treatment often falls under massage therapy benefits. Please contact your insurance company by calling the customer service phone number on your insurance card.

Here are the questions you should ask:

  • Do I have massage therapy benefits?

  • Is treatment covered by a Licensed Massage Practitioner (LMP) (There are a few plans that will only pay for this treatment by a chiropractor or medical doctor.)

  • Do I have a deductible? Have I met it yet?

  • Is there a limit to the number of visits I can receive?

  • Is there a maximum dollar amount per year that my plan will pay towards this treatment?

  • What percentage does my insurance cover?

  • Do I have a copay for each visit?

  • Do I need a prescription from my doctor or chiropractor to make the visit medically necessary?

  • Do I need a referral from my doctor, or am I a part of a Preferred Provider Organization-PPO? (A prescription and a referral are NOT the same thing. There are very few insurance companies that do not require a prescription.)

Knowing the answers to these questions can prevent any misunderstanding of your benefits and unexpected bills.
If we are not contracted with your insurance plan, you may still have some limited benefits. In addition to the above questions, you should also ask: 

  • Do I have out-of-network benefits for massage therapy?

Would you like to fill out our paperwork before your first appointment? Please download the following file.

Pain-Free Solutions paperwork

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